Difference between Coding and Programming

Difference between Coding and Programming

The word programming and coding all relates to writing code, but as the relation seems a like they are also a big difference between the both of them. Let's dive and see the difference between the both of them.

What is programming?

Programming write code work with algorithm and maintain and fix bugs. Programmers are responsible for maintaining a code, that means they maintain a software by either fixing a certain issue or by adding new features to the application. They also need to keep the end user in mind when creating programmes so as to ensure that their needs are fulfilled.

What is Coding?

Coding on the other hand is the ability to write code. It involves writing the user’s instructions in the form of a programme, which the device can then execute.

Well they are not all related, because programming involves problem solving skills and a lot of thinking, coding is the ability to give a computer a certain instruction.


Well now I hope you know the difference between coding and programming. Thanks for reading.